Get Yourself Updated with the Countdown to the Main Event.
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- Theory and principle of magnetoplasmonics
- Theory and principle of magneto-optic SPR (MOSPR)
- Synthesis of core-shell nano-structured materials
- Characterization of magnetoplasmonic materials
- Oxide and inverse spinel material-based materials
- Nanocomposites/nanocrystalline materials
- Nanofluidic and nanofabrication
- Nanobiomaterials and nanomedicine
- MOSPR biosensors and potential applications
- Magneto-optics materials for monitoring, surveying, imaging, etc.
- Photonic crystal based magnetoplasmonic materials
- Graphene-based magnetoplasmonic materials
- Optomagnetic Biodetection and Thermoplasmonics
- Remote magneto-mechanical nanoactuation (MEMS)
- Si-based and Photonic materials and magnetoplasmonics
- Green photonics, energy, and related technologies
- Ultrafast optics and applications
- Sensing, communications, and information processing
- Nonlinear optics, nanophotonics and plasmonics
- Optical telecommunications
- Photonics technology entrepreneurship and innovation
- Photonic theory design and simulations
- Nanoscale photonics
- Metamaterials and Biomedical implants

- Thin film, Nanomaterials, and Маgneto-optics
- Magnetism in biology and medicine
- Soft and Hard Magnetic materials and applications
- Magnetic Sensors, high frequency & power devices
- Spin electronics & applications
- Magnetic recording, Magnetic thin films & multilayers
- Magnetization dynamics
- Modeling and computational magnetism
- Microscopy, Imaging & Characterization
- Shape-memory alloys and Magnetocaloric effect
- Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Oxides
- Financial literacy and capabilities for expansion and diversification.
- Providing room for internships, volunteering
- Marketing opportunities and challenges with social media
- E-Business, E-Government, E-Banking
- Service Quality and Innovation
- The future of Entrepreneurship Education
- Preparation for another global event, in terms of international flows (Foreign Direct Investment, international trade, and travel Expansion and Promotion of mentorship programs
- Reduction of tax and regulatory barriers for new entrepreneurs.

- Channelizing young minds through Research and Development.
- Addressing skill gaps through specialized global technologies.
- Effective upskilling through awareness and cognitive mapping
- Encompassing technical, leadership, and domain-based learning
- Creativity for innovation
- Information technology and digital transformation
- Digital innovation and sustainability
- Corporate social responsibility
- Competence-based on learning
Address any questions concerning the Conference and for a detailed inquiry, contact
Topics - ICAPMOT
The International Conference on Advanced Plasmonics, Magnetics, and Magneto-optical Technologies (ICAPMOT)-2021 is focusing on Various Advanced Topics in Science, Engineering and Technologies.