Early bird registration for ICAPMOT 2025 is open. To register, CLICK Here!
Redefine the possible
State-of-the-art smart & eco-friendly plasmonic sensors & instruments
Next-generation Optical Devices.
SEED sensors are multipurpose and use the combined optics, plasmonics, and magnetics principle. See, recent innovation by NanoTech: Sensors with combined Magnetics and Plasmonics! also are multi-purpose and available in a variety of sizes and features at a competitive price, such as: 1) Biotechnology & Quantum Photonics 2) Environmental Protection & Meteorology; and 3) Agriculture & Food Protection
Recent Literature
Prototype Engineering
Our team consists of scholars and engineers who have decades of experience in this field, and who are constantly working on innovative nanotechnologies and software developments. Our team is equipped with various resources, including consulting, scientific platforms for industry and academic institutions, software development, and entrepreneurship worldwide.
Project Anthology